Now all you need to do is open Play Store and search for the Snapchat App.
Sign in or create a Google Account if you don’t have one.
You will also be required to sign in to your Google Account.
Once it is installed, run and open Bluestacks.
Once you download that, run it and install the application by following the on-screen prompts.
Get the installer from the Bluestacks website here.
The first step will be installing Bluestacks on our Mac.
Although the emulator’s primary focus was playing games, we will be using it to run the Snapchat app on our Mac. It supports the latest Android versions and does not lag or consume too much memory. Basically, you can use Bluestacks to run Android apps and games on your computer. Bluestacksīluestacks is by far the most popular Android emulator that exists for both Mac and Windows. We’ll be going through all of these, so let’s get started! Snapchat for Mac using Emulators 1. There is also a method without emulators but involves a third party application. Usually, users are more comfortable with emulators as they are simple and easy to use, and serve all the functionality you want. Snapchat is not available on the App Store straight away for use, but it can be used on Mac by mainly two methods: with or without the use of Emulators.
1.2 Snapchat for Macbook without using Emulators.
After installation, start the Bluestacks player and try installing Snapchat again.
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Download the old version of Bluestacks.
Select Bluestacks from the list of installed apps.
Type Appwiz.CPL and press OK to open the Control Panel.
Press the Windows + R keys to open Run.
Bluestacks will install the beta version of the app by default because you chose to test Snapchat Beta.Ĭhange the version of Bluestacks or Snapchat.
Scroll down and select Join Snapchat Beta.
Click on the Settings icon (the gear icon).
Open the Snapchat app on your Android phone.
How to fix the situation when Snapchat doesn’t work in Bluestacks? A simple solution to this problem is to use the previous version of Bluestacks. For some reason, the developers of Snapchat do not allow its use in the new version of Bluestacks. The latest version of Bluestacks (Bluestacks 3) does not support Snapchat. The error message tells you the exact reason (No Support) why you cannot use Snapchat on Bluestacks.
How do I get Snapchat to work on Bluestacks?.
Why does Snapchat not work in BlueStacks?.
Change the version of Bluestacks or Snapchat.
How to fix the situation when Snapchat doesn’t work in Bluestacks?.